Iain Wilkinson: 0774 050 5374 balgayfarm@gmail.com



Good selection of rising 2yr old bulls available

Shorthorn and Angus

Health scheme members and performance recorded

PM Iain for details or call 07885 965 495

A warm welcome to Balgay

Based on the famous Carse of Gowrie, Pethshire, Balgay spans 1000 acres in some of Scotland’s most fertile land.  Generations have farmed here and today Balgay represents a model of modern mixed farming, re-using all organic material to continually improve soil structure.

Major investment in drainage, grassland management, soil composition, facilities, and equipment has transformed the farm since its purchase in 2008.  Most importantly, the team that runs Balgay are experienced and committed to the highest standards of animal welfare, breeding cattle that deliver results.

Our aim

At Balgay we are constantly striving towards a low input, sustainable farming system. We aspire to less processed material, more organic matter and constant improvement in crop rotation to increase the biodiversity of the soil. The aim is to make the crops and cattle work for the ground rather than against it, reducing the need for pesticides and fertiliser.

We strongly believe in the mixed farming model, where cattle and crops work in harmony to improve the ground for the generations that follow. Aside from being net contributors to the land, we believe that our Hihealth, pedigree Shorthorn and Angus must deliver commercial results both on the hill and in the sale pen.

Balgay Rosewoood Romy 2 Shorthorn Cow with Calf


Harvesting at Balgay Farm
